Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Settling in

Hallo lovelies!

Conchita and Consuela have settled in beautifully, no blood, no squabbles in the flock, it's like they've always been here.  And unlike the other girls who are yet to start laying, they give us a beautiful green and a beautiful blue egg daily (although the sizes vary).

Mr Bok made banofee pie - he rarely cooks let alone bakes so I was a bit impressed at this effort!

 If you live in Melbourne - have you noticed how popular Mexican food has become lately?  I had lunch here and it was so yummmm even if it leaves your wallet a bit lighter...


I still have no idea when to pick the babacos.  Seems the possums don't know either.


The possums are still after my chillies and capsicum but the baskets seem to be working.

My apples are greatly confused - they've started blossoming for goodness the same time as ripening apples!  On the same tree!!

Loads of self seeded tomatoes which I've had to pull out:

Any ideas on how to keep chooks off the verandah?


  1. Babacos? Never heard of them but they look wonderful. And gorgeous looking eggs.

  2. Oh chooks on the verandah - I hear you! I am grateful for the free fertiliser, but "chicky pooey" as my 2 year old calls it is much more appreciated in the coop and on the lawn! I have had some luck by parking the clothes airer at the top of the steps with nappies hanging down and drying - I think they don't know what to make of it, but it's annoying having it in the way. I hope someone else has a good suggestion - I'll keep checking back!

  3. Hi Mrs.Bok.

    Your hens are absolutely beautiful and the box full of eggs aren't too bad either. What a lovely shade of green!

    How confusing that your apples are blossoming and ripening on the same tree. Hehe.

    Great blog up date enjoyed reading it and looking at the pictures!

    Martin :0)

  4. Well done to Conchita and Consuela for settling in well and rewarding you guys :) It's always a relief once you see pets settle in to their new homes.

  5. To me chooks are social creatures...inquisitive...when my girls free ranged, if I left the back door open, I am sure they would have come right on inside and had a look around.....I think they just like being around where the action is...I always liked seeing a little beak right up against the back screen

  6. They look so cute on the verandah. I'm glad to see they are all getting along.

  7. How pretty are those eggs, aren't you lucky to get a pie just love it when the men cook.

  8. What are babocos? (did I spell it correctly? The hens certainly look like they own the yard. Good to see them happy.

  9. I've never heard of babacos either. Can you tell us about them next time you post please. I love your chooks, but I don't know how you can keep them off the verandah. They do look at home there.

  10. Glad the chickens are settling in. Perhaps you could run chicken wire along the outside of the verandah.

  11. You make it all seem so easy... we have just introduced two new chickens to our little flock (was three, but we lost one in the night. We don't know why!). It's very nerve wracking.

    Ours love hanging out on the verandah too and I'm pretty sure it's because they know we are watching them there and we might just make the mistake of throwing them a treat... x

  12. Your flock is looking amazing, congratulations!! I too have a confused fruit tree, but it is not an apple, it is a cherry ... the fruit fell off in spring but now it is flowering again!! Crazy stuff.... thanks so much for stopping by our blog, take care, Yollie (the human) xx

  13. you have not got fed up with the mess or damage to your garden yet then, all worth while for those lovely looking eggs. :)


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